Sociability of reddit


Users of reddit are able to converse in the comments section of submissions.  A user is able to leave a post to everyone, reply to previous posts, or reply to another person’s reply.  These posts can make a joke, which can form pun chains, critique or complement the article.  Interesting conversations can occur when two people are heatedly debating an issue, someone makes an incredibly witty reply, and so on.  Another important aspect of conversation on reddit is the title a submission is given.  Much like the title of any article, it must be designed to entice a person to react positively to the title so that another user will upvote the submission.


There are many different subreddits which coordinate the where people may look for certain subjects.  In the screenshot I posted the article was submitted in the politics subreddit.  The entire culture of commentors varies vastly from the “bacon” subreddit to the “vegan” subreddit.  This allows users to narrow down their conversations.  Users have been known to post other articles related to the discussion of the conversation, allowing further research on whatever topic and continuing conversation can happen.


Since all submissions are users submissions it is easy to be aware of other users.  You can see who loves Barack Obama by their many submissions about him, or who is trying to steer traffic to their blog by constantly posting their post’s on reddit.  In the comments section a user is extremely aware of the other people commenting and interaction is very easy.  It is even possible to learn the personality of the a person posting as you can click on their username and see all the comments they have made and every submission they have made.

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